Circular letter no cp 2 133196-04 dt 10-8-2004 of rcs raising the limit of overdraft of employees in cooperative institutions
Circular g 1-12585 -2004 dt 30 -4-2004 direction to give records on arbitration cases to tribunal in time
Circular em 1 27619-2004 dt 20-7-2004 guidelines for bonus for 2004 to employees
Circular em 1 19603-2003 dt 6-1-2004 da to employees of cooperative institutions
Circular 50/2004 extension of period of ots
Circular 49/2004 drought 2004-rescheduling of loans-extension of period
Circular 48/2004 Direction to allow Neethy Store to PACS only
Circular 46/2004 measures to improve the disbursement of agriculture loans
Circular 45/2004 Establishment-CR-Preparation of Self Assessment-Guidelines
Circular 44/2004 expo at kollam-direction to coop institutions to take part
Circular 43/2004 Kerala agriculture debtors temporary relief act 2001-interest relief to farmers at wayanad district-guidelines
Circular 42/2004 extension of period ots
Circular 41/2004 direction to include all farmers in kcc
Circular 40/2004 drought 2004-conversion of st loans to mt loans
Circular 39/2004 chief ministers 100 days action plan-implementation of rain water harvesting scheme through coop institutions
Circular 38/2004 Declaration of Marketing and Processing Coop Societies as Federal Societies
Circular 37/2004 Kerala agriculture debtors temporary relief act 2001-interest liability of agriculture loan in wayanad district being taken over by govt-directions issued
Circular 35/2004 revised limits of valuation of property hypothetical for loans in pacs between senior supervisors agri officers and valuation officers
Circular 34/2004 direction to pacs to increase agriculture loans
Circular 33/2004 establishment-assistant registrar sc-st-duties and functions consolidated.
Circular 30/2004 Maximum Limits of various types of loans that can be given from PACS, FSCB etc
Circular 29/2004 drought 2004-direction to reschedule loans
Circular 28/2004 extension of period of ots
Circular 26/2004 long term loans-simplifications of procedures-limits of valuations
Circular 25/2004 Kerala agricultural debtors temporary relief act 2001-guidelines
Circular 24/2004 Surrender of 20 days of Earned Leave for encasement-Sanctioned order issued
Circular 23/2004 the a rs deputed to district panchayat returned to parent department
Circular 22/2004 sitting fees and honorarium in vanitha cs
Circular 21/2004 implementation of rain water harvesting scheme through coop institutions
Circular 19/2004 direction not to give unexpected holidays to cooperative institutions and branches
Circular 18/2004 removal of audit reserve on loans being paid under ont time settlement schemeCircular 17/2004 moratorium to recovery of agri. loans
Circular 16/2004 rescheduling of loans
Circular 15/2004 extension of the period of one time settlement
Circular 14/2004 revised interest rates for non agri loans
Circular 13/2004 Malayalam Official Language-Directions and Monthly Proforma
Circular 12/2004 moratorium to recovery steps on account drought
Circular 8/2004 deposit mobilization-relief to loaners
Circular 7/2004 higher interest rates to fd of senior citizens-reduction of age limit to 60 years
Circular 6/2004 permission to take shares in kipco
Circular 5/2004 direction to send to gp a copy of circulars issued by registrar
Circular 4/2004 appropriation of net profit-education fund-directions
Circular 3/2004 direction to avoid giving charge allowance to employees of coop societies beyond 3 months
Circular 2/2004 Confidential Reports of Dept Staff-Directions
Circular 1/2004 direction to stop recovery steps on agriculture loans in palaghat district due to draught